01 How can I stay updated on TRAID’s activities and events?
You can stay updated on TRAID’s activities and events by subscribing to our newsletter, following us on social media, and regularly checking our website’s “News & Events” section.
02 How can I get involved with TRAID?
You can get involved with TRAID by volunteering, donating, or partnering with us. Visit our website’s “Get Involved” section for more information on how to support our mission.
03 What types of counseling services does TRAID offer?
TRAID offers individual, group, and family counseling services. Our professional counselors provide a safe space for survivors to express their feelings, process their experiences, and develop coping strategies.
04 Who can benefit from TRAID’s services?
TRAID’s services are designed for Sudanese refugees, families, and war survivors affected by armed conflict and ethnic cleansing. Our programs cater to individuals, families, and communities in need of trauma ...
05 What is Trauma Recovery Aid (TRAID)?
TRAID is a Non-profit, Non-governmental organization established on February 20, 2024. Our mission is to advocate for and support refugees, families, and war survivors to recover, reconcile, and rebuild their ...